Workshop | Reimagining Racial Inclusion

What happens when the collective majority of white people accept the fact, that they are the beneficiaries of generations of exclusionary policies, practices, and laws that they some say they want to dismantle to create an equitable and inclusionary society? Do they fully understand the real generational cost? Are they prepared to commit to pay the real price for true authentic racial inclusion? In this training participants will:

  • Acknowledge the history of racial white supremacy exclusion, cultivated over generations, on Black, Indigenous, and other POC in America.

  • Recognize that the imperative of creating authentic, meaningful, equitable inclusion across all sectors will require those who created it (white people), cultivated, & enforced violent exclusion over many generations, must do the heavy lift.

  • Learn how to reimagine the policies, investment of resources, & effort that it will take towards authentically pursuing equitable, inclusive outcomes across all sectors for all BIPOC & other marginalized groups.

  • Identify what you can personally do to cultivate your own action steps as a white ally & abolitionist to eliminate racial white supremacy exclusion.

Greg Taylor

Principal | Consultant at Community Connection Consulting


With over 30 years of training and facilitation experience, Greg Taylor has directed dialogue with groups in the business, educational, government, healthcare, nonprofit, and criminal justice sectors. He navigates easily and comfortably within controversial frameworks with people who have strong beliefs and who—quite often—operate from positions of power and influence.

Greg’s innovative, energetic, and dynamic facilitation and training style creates and sustains authentic engagement from participants. His approach is a transformative synthesis of intentional training design and effective facilitation focused on outcome-based interactions. He seeks to create movement—in participants’ understanding, positions, and values—to establish receptivity to new ways of achieving desired results. He collaborates with clients to cultivate an environment that fosters open dialogue in processing new perspectives and deliberating on innovative solutions.

Learn more about Greg and his work at